Children’s Ministry
The Children's Ministry of Spring Grove Alliance Church exists to help the newest generation grow in a real and thriving relationship with Jesus enabling them to exalt Christ and love others through learning God's word and experiencing its transforming power, loving all people with the heart of Jesus, and leading others into a life of following Jesus as they journey alongside them.
Sunday mornings during the 10:30 gathering
newborn - 5th grade
This time is designed to help children dig deep into God's word. There's a big difference between knowing about someone and really knowing them personally. That's why the guiding principles behind all lessons are designed to help kids develop a genuine, growing relationship with God by getting to know His heart. Their learning will be enhanced by numerous creative teaching tools to make each week fun, interactive, relevant, and life-changing.
Our safe and secure kids check-in system can help keep track of children during church services. Check-in labels provide important information about the child and allows quick contact of parents.
At check-in, you will receive a tag matching your child’s name tag. This is required for pick-up and allows for safe and secure pick-up and drop-off.
Each Check-In tag has special notes to highlight medical needs or allergies
All Spring Grove Alliance Church children’s volunteers are carefully trained and background checked, including PA CY113, & Criminal Background Check (PATCH), before serving in our children’s ministries.
Children who have shown signs of fever, vomiting or other contagious illnesses should be symptom-free for 24 hours before coming to Children’s Ministries.
Our Children's area remains secure and has a team dedicated specifically to this area during our gatherings.