2025 Daily Bible Reading
This Week’s Reading Plan:
Scripture Is Essential to the Way of Jesus
What we think about will shape what we believe, who we become, and how we live. Cultivating a mind that dwells on the Word of God is a choice that we must make if we are to follow Jesus well. Thankfully, it’s also a choice that’s well within our grasp. As Dallas Willard said, “The ultimate freedom we have as individuals is the power to select what we will allow or require our minds to dwell upon and think about.” (Life Without Lack) The Apostle Paul said that we will be transformed by the renewing of our minds, which will lead to a transformed life. The teachings of Jesus clearly reflect a teacher/rabbi who hasn’t just read the Scriptures but meditated on them. This slow reading of the text leads not just to our reading the Bible, but the Bible reading us as well.
Our aim at the York Alliance Family of Churches is to be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and to do what Jesus did. We believe that the only way to get the life of Jesus is by living the lifestyle of Jesus, and that lifestyle included daily meditation on the Scriptures. When we follow in His footsteps, the Scriptures come alive in us, and we begin to see the world, our Father, and the world around us the way that Jesus did
The following daily Bible reading plan was developed based on the Revised Common Lectionary and with help from our friends at Bridgetown Church. It follows the seven seasons of the church calendar: Advent & Christmas (at the end of this plan, but the beginning of the church year), Epiphany, Lent & Easter, Pentecost and Ordinary Time. The goal of this plan is the slow, meditative reading of Scripture using the TABLE tool. Allow the following to guide your time in Word each day:
Time to Listen. Read the passage and sit quietly listening for what God might be saying to you.ASK
Ask Questions. What does this passage say about God? What does this passage say about humanity? What’s my response? What do I need to confess or talk to God about?BELIEVE
What are the promises in this passage? How do I stand on themLISTEN
Listen (again). Re-read the passage. What is God highlighting or solidifying in you?
Example to follow. How does this passage impact those around me? Who should I tell about this? What should I change about how I’m living?These passages are intended for slow meditation, so even if you don’t answer every question in the TABLE tool, listen for God to highlight a specific section of the passage and ask Him to speak through it. Using a journal to record thoughts, ideas, and ways that you sense the Spirit speaking to you through the Word is an important addition to this process. As you read, imagine Jesus sitting at the table with you and the two of you are having a meal together. The goal isn’t informational—the goal is relational.